Livestock sale
Garfield County Livestock Show and Sale
2020 online livestock sales begin on Thursday, July 30 at noon and end Saturday, August 1 at noon.
Join us and please bid in this year’s online livestock sale!
For new buyers and old:
- Call 970-625-3969, ext 3; we will update or create your account
- Express your packing plant preference (Brother, Homestead, other)
- Send us your logo if you would like to be advertised on social media as a buyer.
Bidding process
[otw_shortcode_button href=”https://fairentry.com/Fair/SignIn/13948″ size=”medium” icon_position=”left” shape=”radius” color_class=”otw-greenish” target=”_blank”]Sign in to Garfield County’s online livestock sale[/otw_shortcode_button]
- Log in under the blue fields, (not the Green 4-H)
- Select 2020 Online Jr. Livestock Sale, choose specie auction
- Click ‘View Details’ to bid or add-on for auction items
- You may view the exhibitor’s video, photos, and introduction
- Use back at top of the screen to select another item
After the auction
- Winning bidders will be notified by email
- Winning bidders will need to contact 970-625-3969, ext 1 through 5, with buyback, returning animals to the exhibitor, or multiple packing plants
- Garfield County Finance will bill you or call 970-945-1377 ext. 1725, Monday through Friday to pay by credit card
Why support the sale?
The Garfield County Junior Livestock Sale is the culmination of the year’s work for 4-H and FFA members. They have spent months selecting, training, and feeding their animals in preparation for the fair. The sale also provides youth the funds to begin the next year’s projects. Many of these youth save a portion of these funds for their upcoming college careers. Ultimately, your help supports a unique educational program in agriculture. You support a program that emphasizes involvement in projects that teach strong morals and values, a program that provides a drug free environment, and a program that promotes citizenship, leadership and community involvement. Through their involvement, young people learn how to produce food for your table, as well as how to be in business for themselves. The price you pay today encourages youth participation and is a small investment in the future of American agriculture.
Livestock sale participation
Individuals may obtain top-quality beef, pork, lamb, goat, rabbit, and poultry for your freezer to enjoy all year long. You pay the total sale price bid at the time of the sale. You will need to designate where you will want the animal processed and fill out a cutting instruction sheet. Bid price does not include processing.
Split buying
If a whole animal is too much, you can split with a friend or relative in halves or quarters. Two or more individuals, families, businesses, or organizations may wish to split the cost of an animal. This reduces the cost to any one person or group, and reduces the amount of meat each will receive.
Buy back
Buyers not wanting to keep their purchased animal pay the difference between the final bid price and the Buy Back price listed
For donation
Donate the meat from your purchase to one or more nonprofit organizations. Youth benefit from your support, while you get the promotion, as well as the satisfaction of knowing that your favorite organization gets the meat. You may also donate the processing fees or arrange with the recipient to pay the processing fees.
Add-ons are a good way to support a specific youth or group of youth, if you are unable to purchase an animal. Add-ons are a flat fee, large or small. Add-on money is added on top of the sale price. You do need to be a registered buyer. Add-ons can be done at the time of the sale or at the completion of the sale.
For more information, contact the Garfield County Extension Office, at 970-625-3969.