Garfield County appoints two to fair board
New members cite love of fair and rodeo, desire to help others as reasons for applying
Garfield County has appointed Tyler Davis and Leah Bergener to the Garfield County Fair Board, filling the two final unoccupied seats heading into a busy 2021. Five applicants interviewed with the Board of County Commissioners for the two open seats.
The terms on the fair board run through Oct. 15, 2022, and both new board members are representing the Rifle area. The 83rd annual Garfield County Fair and Rodeo takes place this year from July 27 through Aug. 1
Davis is a Rifle High School graduate who attended Colorado Mesa University, earning degrees in management and marketing. His interest in serving on the board stemmed from his love of the fair and helping others.
Bergener is a graduate of Roaring Fork High School in Carbondale and earned a degree from Parks College in travel and tourism, while minoring in business administration. She is a former 4-H member and has two children in the program. Bergener added that attending the fair and rodeo was a highlight of her childhood and wants to help bring those amazing experiences to others in the community.
“It was a tough decision. We have five very well-qualified candidates and a diversity of people and I think that’s a neat thing,” said Commissioner Mike Samson. “They all don’t come from the same occupation or background, but they all have a love of helping young people and being involved with 4-H programs.”
The appointments were made unanimously, 3-0. Samson encouraged those who were not chosen to keep in touch and apply again if any other fair board vacancies open.
For more information on the fair board or the fair and rodeo, go to garfieldcountyfair.com.